Saturday 12 December 2015

Gado-gado Gembira

This restaurant also highly recommended by our local friends. It has been in business for more than 20 years as my friends visited this restaurant in their childhood time.

It is called Kedai Kopi Gembira. (translate to Happy Coffee Shop)
Their signature dishes are Gado-gado and Bihun Soto. Gado-gado is an Indonesian salad of slightly boiled vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, fried tofu served with a peanut sauce dressing. The main usually is lontong (rice cake). However, this Gembira style is they serve noodle instead of lontong. Top with fried prawn crackers, fried emping melinjo (fried gnetum gnemon seed) and bawang goreng (finely-chopped fried shallot sprinkles). Oh... So crispy and with the peanut fragrance, I fall in love with Gado-gado. Bihun Soto is traditional Indonesian soup composed of broth, chicken meat, vegetables (potato, bean sprout) and thin rice noodle.


Mihun Soto
The local style is to get a pack of cracker, soak them in the broth and dig in.

Various crackers.

You also can pick some Otak-otak to have along with the main dishes. Otak-otak is grilled fish cake wrapped in coconut leaves, it made of ground fish meat mixed with tapioca starch and spices. 

For dessert, we decided Es Teler and Avocado juice. Es Teler is a fruit cocktail in Indonesia. It is so call national drink of Indonesia. Shaved ice tops with fruits and served with coconut milk, sweetened condensed milk, Avocado juice. 

Es Teler

Avocado Juice
It tops with sweetened condensed milk and Milo (Cocoa).

Various cakes, desserts.
Customers can opt to have these if do not want to have heavy breakfast.

Kedai Kopi Gembira
Jl. Bakar Batu No. 47
(It is not located at down town Tanjung Pinang but very short distance from down town, let's call a taxi.)

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